Waste Water Treatment Facility
South Carolina 1990s
Prior To Biocat Treatment
The MCRD waste treatment facility is an aerobic, trickling filter system that treats up to 1.5 million
gallons of domestic waste daily. Included within this waste are motor pools, five mass halls, boiler
blowdown and restaurant grease traps. The monthly averages for the facilities parameters tested
are as follows:
250 ppm
250 ppm
3.0 ppm
5.0 - 8.4
Aerobic Digester
three to four weeks to crack (dry) sludge
Septic Condition one digester partially operable

second digester completely septic

no viable biological unable to pour
Chlorine used per day 
130 pounds plus, elevated chlorine demand
Sulfur Dioxide used per day
60 pounds
High foam 

oil and grease present
Total coliform 

230 per 100
Fecal coliform 

<2 per 100 ml
Heavy algae build up on walls of contact chamber
Tickling Filter
Clean jets at least once per week to remove zoological growth and oil/grease
Back flushing once per month to clean under channels
Overall Plant Condition
• Heavy corrosion in progress
• Increased solids within primary clarifier
• Heavy organic demand
• Elevated solids
• Oil/grease causing foaming
• Digesters uncontrolled
• Sludge beds receiving excessive solids - under drains clogged
• Frequent violations
Lift Stations (L.S.)
L.S. #8 - The wet well surface was completely covered with oil and grease. One of the floaters was
30 cu ft in size. All of the walls were covered with a 12 inch skirt, 3 inches thick. There was a thick
crust completely covering the surface of the wet well. The floats actually road on the surface of the
grease. This initiated multiple high alarms and high maintenance. The flow was restricted from the
L.S. due to the heavy grease buildup in the 8 inch effluent line. Odors were strong and offensive,
alarms frequent and constant maintenance was required for off-line equipment.
August 1990, the waste treatment facility implemented the anaerobic/faculative bacteria, Biocat,
into lift station #8 and one oil and grease separator for a three month test on oil and grease control
and removal. Other biological products have been tried with very little success. Within three
weeks of introducing Biocat into L.S. #8, the grease crust began breaking up and the floaters were
reduced in size dramatically. The waste treatment facility also experienced changes in the influent
from the flow coming from L.S. #8. The changes were as follows:
115 - 125 ppm reduced
115 - 125 ppm reduced
4.0 - 4.5 ppm increased
7.0 - 7.2 stabilized at neutral
Aerobic Digester

2.5 - 4.0 ppm reduced
clear supernate - up to 4-6 feet

6 weeks increased time
two weeks to crack (dry) sludge
Septic Condition one digester fully alive and working

second digester taken off line and cleaned
Chlorine used per day 
60 lbs - reduced chlorine demand
Sulfur Dioxide used per day 10-30 pounds - reduced
High foam 

virtually removed
Dissolved oxygen 
3-4 ppm - increased

7.0-7.2 stabilized at neutral
Total coliform 

40-60 per 100 ml - reduced
Fecal coliform 

<2 per 100 ml
Algae in contact chamber
virtually removed

5-10 ppm - reduced

0.5-1.5 ppm - reduced
Trickling Filter
Clean jets every two week - zoological growth reduced
Back wash every three months - under channels cleaned
Overall Plan Conditions
- Corrosion stabilized - reduction in hydrogen sulphide (H2S)
- Solids reduced substantially in the primary
- Reduced solids - throughout the plant
- Sludge beds drying properly
- Zero violations during test period
During the months of September through December, the facility leveled out and all permit parameters
were met and no violations occurred. Chemical costs were reduced and odors were eliminated.
Lift station #8 was free of oil and grease accumulation, free of noxious odors and without float
related high alarms. Total suspended solids were reduced by 50% through the facility. This also
affected the pour rates for the digesters due to decreased solids being pumped from the clarifiers to
the digesters. The addition of flocculents to the clarifier were unnecessary during the test period.
The product, Biocat, was removed from the list station (#8) the latter part of the month of December.
There was still some of the product in the dispenser. During the month of January 1991, the oil and
grease began to build in L.S. #8 rapidly. The BOD and TSS began to elevate in the facility influent
and DO began to drop along with erratic Ph fluxation in the same. Chemical use started to elevate
in the contact chamber. Organic increased throughout the plant. Total suspended solids increased
within the digesters. Digester pour rates increased, more bed space was required.
By February 1991, the floaters in L.S. #8 were as bad as they were prior to the Biocat test. The
BOD in the raw influent, primary, secondary and final effluent increased. The general overall
condition of the facility showed signs of oil and grease buildup.
The results of the Biocat test were:
- Reduced oil and grease through the entire waste system
- TSS were reduced by up to 50%
- BOD was reduced by up to 50%
- Maintenance reduced for oil and grease control
- Collection stations and transfer lines cleaned of oil and grease
- Control of the waste treatment facility became more manageable
- Infrastructure protected from physical and chemical damage
- The cost of Biocat was offset by the reduction in over all maintenance and chemical cost
This product is highly recommended to any waste treatment facility having problems with oil/
grease, H2S, high solids and noxious odors. I have recommended the full time implementation of
Biocat into the facility.