DRS Environmental Product Test
Utah, USA
February 2001 - June 2001
During the month of February 2001, DRS Environmental began a trial investigation at a treatment plant in Utah. The plant was chosen based on the quality of operation that currently existed at the plant. The plant is a well run and managed, efficient plant. The plant keeps good records of its operation. The plant manager was open to the test and willingly provided needed information and supported the test.
The goal of the test was to increase methane production while decreasing solids. Measurements used to determine achievement of goals were taken from plant records.
Test Procedures
A three-month purge cycle was initially suggested for use at the treatment plant with a maintenance phase to follow. This was changed slightly based on a problem that occurred on March 10, 2001. The problem caused a loss of methane production to approximately 5,250 cubic feet. Remediation of the problem took approximately one week to bring digesters back to levels found before the March 10th date. Based on this change, the purge cycle was maintained for a longer period.
Product was applied on the following schedule:
Feb 6 - 25 pounds
Feb 9 - 25 pounds
Feb 12 - 25 pounds
Feb 16 - 25 pounds
Feb 19 - 20 pounds
Feb 23 - 20 pounds
Feb 26 - 20 pounds
February Total: 160 pounds 
March 2 - 20 pounds
March 5 - 20 pounds
March 16 - 20 pounds
March 19 - 20 pounds
March 23 - 15 pounds
March 26 - 15 pounds
March 30 - 15 pounds
March Total: 125 pounds
April 2 - 15 pounds
April 6 - 15 pounds
April 9 - 15 pounds
April 11 - 15 pounds
April 14 - 15 pounds
April 18 - 15 pounds
April 23 - 15 pounds
April 27 - 15 pounds
April 30 - 15 pounds
April Total: 135 pounds 
May 1 - 15 pounds
May 4 - 15 pounds
May 7 - 15 pounds
May 11 - 15 pounds
May 14 - 15 pounds
May 18 - 15 pounds
May 21 - 15 pounds
May 25 - 15 pounds
May 28 - 15 pounds
May 31 - 15 pounds
May Total: 150 pounds
June 1 - 10 pounds
June 4 - 10 pounds
June 8 - 10 pounds
June 11 - 10 pounds
Total June: 40 pounds
Total Product Application: 610 pounds
The test lasted for the period of 4 1/2 months with strong plant support. During the period of time 371 tons of dry sludge were reduced to 161 tons of dry sludge for a reduction of 57%. Data taken for the same period of time in the previous year shows a total of 438 tons of dry sludge reduced to 276 tons of dry sludge for a reduction of 37%. Based on the above figures it appears that EnviroBact formulas reduced sludge by an additional 20%.
A comparison of methane production between February - June 2000 to February - June 2001 yielded the following information:
A total of 5,021,070 cubic feet of methane was produced during February - June 2000. The February - June 2001 total of cubic feet of methane produced was 5,514,990. 2001 data shows an increase of 493,920 cubic feet of methane from the previous year. This data is significant when compared with data on dry tons of sludge for the two years. A 15% reduction was found in the dry sludge production for the year 2001while a clear increase was seen in cubic feet of methane produced. A graphical comparison of the 2000/2001 data follows
The problem at the plant in March clearly impacted the data. The drop of cubic feet of methane production to 5,250 cubic feet along with the week it took to bring digesters back to the previous level of methane production is clearly found in the decrease in gas production for this month and may have carried into the month of April.
Follow-up Data
Plant data was tracked for the months of July and August to validate the impact the DRS Environ's formula had on increased methane production. Clear evidence is found that removal of the formula directly linked to decreased methane production.
The last dose of DRS Environ's product formula was on June 11, 2001. An analysis of methane production for the month of June shows a maintenance of methane production with an average for the month of 42,736 cubic feet per day. The July per day average of cubic feet produced dropped to 38,058. This data becomes even more dramatic when the month is analyzed based on the first 15 days and the last 16 days. The average cubic feet of methane produced for the first 15 days was 44, 398. A dramatic drop is found in the last 16 days of July with an average of only 32 ,115 cubic feet per day. August dropped even further with an average per day of methane production at 27,706 cubic feet (see chart 3).
Total volume of sludge sent to the digester actually increased in the months of July and August. A chart comparing the volume of sludge in gallons to cubic feet of methane production is found at the back of this report. The increase in volume of sludge should have equated to an increase in methane production. Instead of this increase a sharp decrease was observed upon the removal of the DRS Environ's formula.
A final comparison was made with a control facility. Cubic feet of methane production per pound of volatile solids were compared. The test plant showed a significant difference in cubic feet of methane produced compared to the control treatment facility (see chart 4)